Thursday, November 26, 2009

Global Warming Workshop

by Yanga Basso

As part of the Away from Violence project, I put together a workshop on Global Warming. This is a form of indirect violence on ourselves. Put differently, in harming the earth we are harming ourselves and future generations. The workshop began by outlining what global warming is.
The phrase ‘Global warming’ refers to an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. There are two types of global warming – natural and man-made. There is not much we can do about the natural type as this is a part of the Earth’s cycle. However, we do need to worry and do something about our contribution to global warming. The sea levels will rise (goodbye Cape Town) due to the melting of glaciers around the world. This will also result in shortages of drinking water, strong hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires and other natural disasters.

Yanga Basso - Workshop facilitator

Are Humans Causing It?
Yes through industrialisation, deforestation and pollution. All these activities have combined to increase the concentration levels of gases such methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. All these gases are greenhouse gases which trap the heat near the Earth’s surface.

We are producing more carbon dioxide faster than plants and oceans can absorb it. There are three ways in which we can respond to global warming. Firstly, we can mitigate the causes and effects of global warming. This is done largely through capturing greenhouse gases at the point of production. The Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012, makes provision for this. Secondly, we can adapt to the changing environment. The measures range from the installation of air-conditioning equipment to relocating settlements that are in danger of being wiped out by the rising sea levels. Other measures include water conservation projects, water rationing as well as intervening to protect threatened species. Lastly, we can reverse global warming through geo-engineering. This is the process of directly changing the Earth’s natural environment to suit human needs.

These are all grand schemes, which are also costly to implement. There are ways in which we as individuals can help mitigate and possibly even reverse the effects of global warming. We can car-pool, turn off and unplug appliances, plant more trees, recycle and make sure that we stop using aerosol sprays that contain CFCs. These are not big adjustments but if we all do it, cumulatively they will make the difference that is needed to save our planet.

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