Thursday, December 3, 2009

Animal Cruelty

by Bushteens

Often when we speak about cruelty to animals we are shown horrific pictures of baby seals being clubbed for their fur. We are also shown how dogs and various pets are mistreated – at the worst of times by their owners. However, there is another side to animal cruelty. This side is kept out of view of the public eye, with those in the know either not caring enough to do something about it. This is the maltreatment of animals that are used to produce the meat that we eat (daily).

Pigs, cows, chickens are kept in spaces that are too small for them to even turn to scratch themselves. The food they eat at times is made up of the remains of other animals. They are injected and/or fed a multitude of antibiotics and various other medications. All this is in a bid to fast track their growth and of course, keep the meat young, tender and juicy. We will not even speak of the processes by which they are slaughtered – it’s enough to say that a number of these animals feel a lot of pain.

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